Ages ago, the greatest of humans were those with an astoundingly fit body. From Greek heroes to European generals, from Japanese ronin to American strongmen, the overture to a person's character was determined by their appearance and strength. However, as times progressed, we evolved into a differently-gifted species. We went from being the alpha predator to the alpha creator. Our society now prefers Rodin's Thinker over the Spartan Ares as an ideal personality. As such, some of our foremost creators have either grown exceedingly obese or remarkably scraggy. I have waged a long battle in this regard, sometimes having experienced a sudden rise in body weight and sometimes being troubled by the insufficiency of the same. Therefore, I feel strongly that we should not ignore our bodies in our pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. Over two attempts at weight loss and two at weight gain, one of which was an exclusively muscle-gain endeavour, I have come to the same con...