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A Complete Guide to Diet

Ages ago, the greatest of humans were those with an astoundingly fit body.

From Greek heroes to European generals, from Japanese ronin to American strongmen, the overture to a person's character was determined by their appearance and strength. However, as times progressed, we evolved into a differently-gifted species. We went from being the alpha predator to the alpha creator. Our society now prefers Rodin's Thinker over the Spartan Ares as an ideal personality.

As such, some of our foremost creators have either grown exceedingly obese or remarkably scraggy. I have waged a long battle in this regard, sometimes having experienced a sudden rise in body weight and sometimes being troubled by the insufficiency of the same. Therefore, I feel strongly that we should not ignore our bodies in our pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.

Over two attempts at weight loss and two at weight gain, one of which was an exclusively muscle-gain endeavour, I have come to the same conclusion as many others; that I cannot succeed in a field that I know nothing about. From there emerged my thirst for knowledge on the human body, and as has been the purpose of this blog of mine, I shall share all I can with you.

Macros - Protein, Carbs, Fat and Fibre

One can never build a healthy lifestyle without a healthy diet. In the words of one of my favourite people to have ever walked this earth,

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
-Mark Twain 

For that, dearest readers, is why I breach the topic of Macros. Macros, short for macronutrients, are the most basic way in which one can understand food and nutrition. Contrary to the popular belief that there exist three macros, I believe that there are four.


The building block of our muscles, protein is available in many forms. While each protein facilitates a different bodily task, our diet must contain n adequate amount of two types of muscle-building protein - Quick digesting protein and Slow digesting protein. The most popular examples of each of these are Whey and Casein respectively, which are naturally found in Yoghurt/Curd and Cottage cheese/Paneer respectively.


Carbohydrates, or carbs for short, are the main source of energy that your body needs. Your body breaks down carbohydrates in a complex process and releases energy. However, complex carbohydrates, which are plentiful in the Indian diet, should be avoided when looking to achieve top physical form. Your body doesn't start burning fat for energy if it has access to complex carbs.


A hydrophobic nutrient, fats and lipids are used by the body to store energy. Consumption of fats is all but avoidable, so try to consume cis unsaturated fats. Remember, you do not need trans or saturated fats as they produce cardiovascular complications. Also, keep in mind that the best way to identify if something has fat is to imagine it in water. If something floats, it is likely to have fats (hydrophobic, as you may recall).


What use is all the diet if your system can't digest food properly? Bowel movement is something that many athletes overlook. Statistically, your body is much more likely to absorb a higher percentage of nutrition if it does not need to worry about what it is digesting. And that is where fibres come into play. Fibrous substances like coconuts, carrots, oranges, limes and beet not only take care of your fibre intake, but most of them also take care of your micronutrient, i.e. vitamin and mineral intake.

My best diet plan (so far)

Amongst all my regimens and diets, I have been able to identify one that has worked wonders for me back when I was rapidly building muscle. Well, there's more good news for you since I'll share it right here! You can pair this diet up with my workout regimen for maximum results or try clubbing it with your own workout.


Oats, cooked in Toned milk with Honey            x1 bowl
Eggs, boiled                                                          x2

You may optionally add fruits like bananas, strawberries and pomegranates to make your oatmeal more enticing.


Chicken breast based dish                                    x1-2 whole breasts (Weekdays)
Fish based dish                                                      x1-2 whole Fish (Weekends)

I like to marinate chicken breasts in a variety of gravies beforehand, then either shallow-fry or grill them. If I don't have the time, I simply order a dish like chicken tikka! Same goes for fish!


Fruits! Raw fruits, washed thoroughly, like apples, pears, peaches, plums, pineapples.
Also, berries! Strawberries, mulberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries.
Eggs, boiled                                                               x2
(light to moderate snack)

Pre-workout dinner

Stir-fried or boiled vegetables
(light to moderate meal)
Protein shake                                                         x1-2 scoops in water

Post-workout meal

Paneer/Cottage cheese cubes, uncooked, clean
Almonds and Walnuts
Protein shake (Casein blend)                                x1-2 scoops in water

Now, even if you think this is overly monotonous, you may choose to switch out a meal with a good Indian dish like Paalak Paneer, Chana Masala or even Dal. However avoid rotis, bread, rice, oil, dosa, sugar, poha and maida (refined flour) and you're good to go. You do not need to consume a roti with any Indian dish, you can always skip it and enjoy the dish as it is! Basically, before you consume anything that has a grain origin, think about the grain that it comes from. If its oats, quinoa, lentils (most dals) or grains like rajma or black-eyed peas, you may eat it.

This comprehensive diet plan also takes care of something called ketosis, which is the process of making your body forget using carbs for energy and instead burn fat. Note that these foods do have carbohydrates, just not the complex, stays-back-on-your-hips kind. Now that ketogenic diet is all set, what are you waiting for? Hit the gym and exercise!


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