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The Doorway to Understanding People

What is that one burning wish that you've had at some point that you couldn't put away? What is that one superpower that you've always wanted? What is it that you desire most, more so than even your life? Questions like these give a glimpse into a person's soul. But who are we to ask such questions when we do not know the answers to them for ourselves?

How then, do you expect to truly know a person - their likes, dislikes, general preferences and outlook on life? How is it that some people can glean a lot about a person by just looking at them while others struggle to even comprehend their simplest actions? And what must one look at when they desire to understand someone irrespective of whoever they are to them - a friend, an enemy, a lover or a sibling?

The true nature of a person's essence is always shrouded in mystery. Until you pick up their collection of music. For one mind to relate to another, for one soul to try and connect with another, music forms the bridge. Imagine just lying back all day and listening to music. Sounds terrific, right? But that's primarily because you imagine yourself listening to the music of your tastes. Go a step further and imagine listening to hours and hours of music that someone else likes. A lot of what they like overlaps with your own collection. A lot more doesn't. Isn't that beautiful? The best part is, it's still listening to music! Sure, not everyone enjoys music (I don't know a single person who doesn't) but this is still a bonding experience.

Think about all the implications - you can guess at what your enemy feels and their nature or perhaps know what a loved one longs for or even find something as simple as what album to gift them on their birthday! And to be honest, most people don't even like hours and hours of music that you may have to listen to. Still, the prospect seems truly amazing from where I see it.

Not only do you get a peek at someone's likeness, but you also find yourself discovering new music!


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