Lay down on a starry night, look up in the sky and ponder over the topic of trust. Ask all the questions you can and maybe, just maybe, you'll find the right questions. What is trust? Trust is an elusive mistress that sneaks into your life when you're vulnerable, whispers into your ear assurances based on fallacies and asks you to believe in her when you really ought to put as much distance between her and yourself as you can. Trust is the eye-catching, gallant and virile man who runs his fingers across your arms and around your neck, pulls you closer and despite the heightened sense of glee, puts you at ease. Trust leeches onto you and takes away all your secrets, lays bare your weaknesses, open to exploitation and defenceless. Whom should you trust? That's the billion-dollar question, isn't it? Whom should you trust? Your friends? The people you work with? Your family? Or perhaps someone who whole-heartedly love? I say you ought to trust everyone - trust ...